Equine Sports Massage Online
BundleThis online horse massage course includes modules on anatomy, conformation and evaluation, massage and stretching
Equine Sports Massage Certificate
BundleThis online course is the theory component for our Certificate in Equine Sports Massage. It includes: Introduction to Anatomy; Conformation and Evaluation; Horse Massage; Equine Stretching; Equine Fitness; Photonic Therapy Basics; Saddle Assessment.
Photonic Therapy For Horses
Tissue Mobilisation Techniques
CourseThis 12 month online course introduces the participant to Tissue Mobilisation for horses, and delves into some techniques they can use on their own horses or to complement the bodywork they already do, or just to learn some new techniques.
Starting out in Saddle Assessment
CourseThis course introduces the participant to what to look for when assessing a saddle on their own horse or a clients horse. It does not teach you how to fit a saddle, just assess it.
Photonic Therapy Basics
CourseThis course introduces the participant to photonic therapy and how we can use it as well as the acupoints and meridians